After spending 3 weeks for the final exams, and for our 2017 summer vacations, my college friends and I went to Yogyakarta or Jogja. We went there from 18th – 23rd May 2017.

Yogyakarta or Jogja is a very special place for Indonesia because it has very interesting story and important role in Indonesia history. It has old towns from Dutch Colonial, Keraton Kingdom, and many local stories. Jogja government is leaded by a Sultan or we can say Kesultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.

Yogyakarta is one of province from 35 total in Indonesia. Located under Central Java Province. It has mountains, hills, and south coastal beach.

But too bad, I had never go there in 19 years of my life in Indonesia. That’s why I was so excited to travel to Jogja. Eventhough it was not really big journey. I couldnt wait to see Jogja’s people, culture, architecture, foods, and beaches.

We started the Journey by using Train to reach Jogja. It spent almost 8 hours. It was quite exhausting but totally worth it. We continued to take a rest in a house that had been booked by my friend. Our house was located in Pugeran Timur, not so far from the city center. It was simply perfect.

Anyway, We were 16 people in total and rented 3 cars to easily discover ing around.

… continue to chapter 2